Tag Archives: Inspiration

Love for Moscoso

The Flower Pot

The Flower Pot

Of all the great psychedelic artists, Moscoso holds the key influence for me. I can remember finding his work in a bookshop one day and being glued to the spot, eyes wide open and breathless. For me, his work goes beyond nice and great, it’s sublime and beautiful.

Where else would you find reds and pinks dancing together? Every image grabs you and draws you in. First you see the colours dancing around, popping off each other. Then you see the finer details of the image and the subtle way the lettering is introduced. I like the fact that the lettering takes a while to work out, because all the while your eyes are getting a psychedelic workout.  Then, when you’ve worked it all out, you can stand back and put it all together and admire the piece you’re looking at. His work is talented and very clever. It inspires me greatly.

Julie x

Mist Dance by Victor Moscoso

Mist Dance by Victor Moscoso

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Filed under Colour, influences, Inspiration

* obtaining higher levels in printmaking

Invasion and Inside prints

clarity, vision and technique combine in this pair of prints 1. Invasion and 2. Inside

I think there needs to be a benchmark to set yourself against if you are to carve yourself a life as a creative (or anything for that matter).  I have seen some fine examples of print making over the last few months.  Indeed, it is still surprising to me that we have only been training as screen printers for 6 months now and amazing how much inspiration one can gather in such a short period of time.

However, on happening upon The Little Friends of Printmaking a short while ago, I saw exactly what we (that is, Kittybob) should be aiming for in this field.  A husband-and-wife team specialising in poster art,  this talented duo have carved themselves a reputation as printmakers of excellence.  Nailing down colour, execution, skill and technique and that all-too-intangible element of quality,  the work is nigh on flawless to me.  I would recommend checking out their impressive portfolio if you get a minute or two.

using CMYK inks, new colours are produced via overprinting

using CMYK inks, new colours are produced via overprinting

I am particularly enamoured with their overprint techniques, something I am inspired to try  very soon.  It is a daring way to add further depth and colour to the print.  I can only imagine how difficult it must be to get right (although I have discovered recently that adobe illustrator does have the facility to demo overprints which will be hugely handy)

So, although our styles are different, I have found my bench mark.  If I can be printing to that level in a few years time, I shall consider myself an extremely happy man.

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Filed under Colour, Inspiration, printmakers

It started on the back of a bus

variations in hue

variations in hue

Yes, it’s true. All of my best thinking happens when I’m sat on a bus;  my mind wonders and I see things that I wouldn’t normally notice. The bus thing happened about 10 years ago for me, on my way in to work one morning.  I noticed a variation in hue of a turquoise/pale blue on the ground floor of the Dorset and Wiltshire bus and thought it was either genius or they ran out of one paint and bought a new pot in the wrong colour.  It got me thinking.  I wondered if anyone else had noticed it?  I wondered if it was a conscious design decision.  I wondered if, 10 years later, anyone else would still feel moved enough to write about it.  It changed my colour perceptions immensely and made me appreciate the art of subtlety.  It inspired me to venture into playing with colour, in the clothes I wore and in the colours I painted on the walls of our old shabby house.  For me, colour combinations are infinite and a pleasure.

Julie x

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Filed under Colour, Inspiration